
2.4V 30Ah

Product Center > C Series > 2.4V 30Ah

2.4V 30Ah

Product Advantages

Based on the LTO material technology and high energy density cell technology with independent intellectual property rights, Plannano took the lead in solving the industry problem of gas generation at high-temperature of LTO battery, and has developed products with excellent performance and cost effectiveness. Advanced technology, simple process and low cost.

High safety

no dendrite, good thermal stability, intrinsic safety

Long cycle life

more than 20  years

High rate

Fully charged in 6 min, completely discharged in 6 min

Wide Working temperature

It can be charged and discharged repeatedly at -50~65℃


Recycling rate of the cell >97%


Nominal capacity30Ah30Ah
Nominal voltage2.4V2.4V
Nominal Energy72Wh72Wh
Energy Density85Wh/kg85Wh/kg
Resistance≤0.35mΩ(AC, 1000Hz)≤0.5mΩ(AC, 1000Hz)
Charging cut-off voltage2.8V2.8V
Discharging cut-off voltage1.5V1.5V
Standard charging current30A30A
Standard discharging current30A30A
Max. Constant Charging Current120A120A
Max. Constant Discharging Current240A240A
Max. Charging Current360A360A
Max. Discharging Current600A600A
Temperature Range for StorageLess than one year:-10~25℃;
Less than three months:-30~45℃
Less than one year:-10~25℃;
Less than three months:-30~45℃
Transportation Voltage≥2.4V≥2.4V
AppearanceNo crack, scratch, distortion, prominence,leakage, etc.No crack, scratch, distortion, prominence,leakage, etc.

* All products can be customized according to clients’needs.

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